How to Tell if Birds or Bugs are Damaging Your Tree

Birds or Beetles

Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers

Ambrosia Beetles
So, how do you get rid of them? don't.
We know - not the answer you wanted.
Unfortunately, once infested, there isn't a way to remove the beetles.
But take heart; an infestation does not imply the inevitable demise of your tree. Once you have borers, the goal is to encourage plant growth in hopes the tree can outgrow the damage of the infestation. In other words, treatment serves to lessen stress and prevent more beetles from boring their metaphorical noses into the infected tree.
However, the best form of treatment is - you already know - preventative.
Preventative treatment can, as the name suggests, prevent an infestation from occurring in the first place. Spray treatments can mean the difference between a healthy, thriving tree and a hazardous tree. While it's good to understand the potential cause of holes in your trees, it's always best to have a certified arborist inspect the trees to avoid any danger.
Contact our certified arborist here to discuss the proper preventative measures for your landscape.